
Orson Welles
Orson Welles tra i film proiettati (ANSA) LaFuriaUmana.it


TONI D’ANGELA / Contrattacco alla capitalizzazione del cinema

JACQUES AUMONT / Cinéma étendu, cinéma détendu, cinéma prétendu

STEVEN SHAVIRO / The New Audiovisual Image

JONATHAN BELLER / The Cinematic Program

ERIKA BALSOM / A World Beyond Control

PAUL GRANT / Cinema Becoming Regional, Unbecoming Cinema

prima linea
TONI D’ANGELA / Inherent Vice: il sortilegio che inciampa la forma

SOPHIA SATCHELL-BAEZA / Paradise Lost: Time and the City in Inherent Vice

LUÍS MENDONÇA / Gone Girl ou A Violação das Superfícies

MIREIA INIESTA / Perdida: cool girl business

TONI D’ANGELA / Gone Girl. La fuga del pensiero

ALESSANDRO CAPPABIANCA / American Sniper. Le bandiere del lutto

MARIANA FREIJOMIL / Vacíos y recorridos entre Jauja e Interstellar

CLOE MASOTTA / Escritura sensorial. White Ash de Leighton Pierce

l’occhio che uccide
BARBARA HAMMER / Abstract Strategies. A Tendency

ANDREA LUKA ZIMMERMAN / Human Conditions: the Lives of Estate/s

STEVEN SHAVIRO / The Jerry Lewis Assemblage

CARLOS LOSILLA / Ahí donde estuvimos y aún estamos

histoire(s) du cinéma
VALERIO CARANDO / Forme dell’intertestualità nel cinema spagnolo degli anni Sessanta

AMANDA DE FREITAS COELHO / Poesia em imagens (sobre o cinema de Alberto Cavalcanti)

CARLOS NATÁLIO / A sombra de Aleksei German (ou o cinema de redenção para todos)

TONI D’ANGELA / Orson Welles, 1915-2015

flaming creatures
MÓNICA SAVIRÓN / Episodes from the Secret Life: A selection of films by Barry Gerson

JEAN-MICHEL DURAFOUR / Hymen d’images : film, formes, formique (de Cortázar à Saul Bass)

TATIANA MONASSA / Trois regards

PAOLO SPAZIANI / Quattro modi di comporre un ekphrasis sonora

critique de la séparation
CARLOS PRIETO ACEVEDO / Document of the nonexistent: the sound of El Grito

Scenophony, vestiges and transgression / Conversation between Bani Khoshnoudi, Mario de Vega and Rodolfo Sánchez Alvarado

the new world
CHRISTINE DÉRIAZ / Diagonale 2015 – considerations on Austrian film

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